Why HubSpot is Launching a Podcast Network

We built HubSpot on the belief that you deserve attention by being of value. That belief is at the heart of HubSpot’s success. Creating remarkable content is what makes a remarkable brand.

We have invested in educational content for the past decade to help all types of business builders succeed. Marketing, sales, customer care, customer success, product, engineering and entrepreneurs all contribute to the development and growth of companies. We have offered free training through our blogs, YouTube, Academy, and Podcasts to help you.

With nearly 114,000 customers now using HubSpot to scale their businesses, our content ambitions have only gotten bigger.

That’s why we’re excited to announce the launch of HubSpots Podcast Network, a new audio destination that features six great shows from a variety of business themes and backgrounds. Together, this collection covers the scope and mastery any business needs to be successful. The founding members of the network are:

  • Entrepreneurs on fireThis provides the inspiration and strategies you need to start your entrepreneurial journey and create the life you have always dreamed of.
  • Business infrastructure, which provides real-world solutions and stories to owners and operators of fast growing small businesses looking for practical tips for creating the operational and business infrastructure needed to grow a business.
  • Be boss, an exploration not only of what it means, but also of what it takes to be a creative business owner, freelancer or side-hustler as a boss.
  • The MarTech PodcastIt tells stories of marketers who use technology to grow and achieve success by uncovering the successes and pitfalls of industry experts and the tools and tips they learned in the process.
  • The Seller PodcastThis helps sales professionals find buyers and win business in a modern, effective, and ethical way.
  • My first millionThis is where the hosts develop new business ideas based on trends and opportunities in the market and share the stories of how companies made their first million.

Podcast network hub spot

Why a Podcast Network?

We believe audio will continue to grow in popularity. It is a media format that is constantly evolving and improving.

Companies like Apple and Spotify are investing more in podcasts, and companies like Clubhouse are innovating in the way we consume and connect audio.

More and more people are listening to podcasts. In fact, over 116 million people in the US listen to podcasts every month – that’s over 61% growth in less than three years. Every week, more Americans listen to a podcast than Netflix accounts.

However, a common challenge people face is discovering great podcasts that can help them solve their problems and give them the inspiration to do better. As the number of podcasts grows, how do you find the most suitable for you?

HubSpot’s podcast network brings together the best business shows in its class that educate and inspire – all in one place. It will help introduce people to new shows, episodes, and creators who can help unlock their next stage of growth.

The Podcast Network will help us reach and serve millions of business builders. We look forward to continuing to add new developers and shows so our audience can get the best content from anyone who can best serve them.

What’s next

We want to continue to be the primary source of education for business builders, but we also want to combine that education with inspiring stories.

We want to shed light on the experts, brands, and leaders who have overcome their barriers, disrupted their markets, and have remarkable things to say. We want to make sure our audience has the latest trends that are important to them and help them understand what these trends mean for their careers and business.

We want to make sure that all business builders have the content they need in any medium, whether it’s a blog post, newsletter, podcast, or video.

With the acquisition of Hustle in February and the launch of our podcast network, we’re working to ensure our audiences get the best content from the HubSpot media team and developers who can educate and inspire them.

Learn more about the HubSpot Podcast Network here.

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