Which Social Media Channels Do Consumers Spend the Most Time On? [New Data]

There’s something new on social media every day.

Recently Twitter introduced Twitter Blue, a premium subscription-based version of its platform.

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TikTok took the social media world by storm back in 2020 and is still the most downloaded app of 2021 according to Social Media Today. Instagram is regularly adding new features to its platform and is recently testing a new affiliate tool for influencers.

The question is, how are these changes affecting consumer behavior online? Are users pulling away from Facebook?

Let’s see what the data says and what it means for brands.

We interviewed 301 people and asked:Which social media platform do you spend most of your time on each week?“The response was somehow surprising.

Where users spend most of their time on social media

Despite the steady growth of YouTube over the past year and the rise of TikTok and Clubhouse, Facebook remains the leading social media platform. YouTube follows, with the gap between the platform and Facebook being much smaller in larger polls.

So what does this information really mean?

Well, in the broadest sense, this means that you should consider having a presence on these platforms. However, don’t delete your Instagram account just yet – better yet, don’t delete it at all.

I will explain why in the next section.

Should brands limit their efforts to the most popular platforms?

There is no clear answer to that … but usually no.

While most consumers spend most of their time on Facebook and YouTube, it doesn’t mean that you should devote all of your efforts solely to these platforms.

Why? That may not be where Your Audience lives.

Universality is the enemy of marketing. Imagine running a social media ad that targets everyone. Or to have a target group that includes all of Generation Z.

This type of one size fits all is not conducive to your brand growth. In fact, it is likely to keep you from moving forward as you waste time and resources on general strategies that may not work for your specific market.

It’s like going to a party and only getting one address for the neighborhood. Sure, you could drive around knocking on every door until you find the right one, but by that point you might be tired, hungry, and without gas.

Focusing on a specific audience and strategy can provide you with more valuable insights and a higher return on investment.

Data, just like the ones above, should be used as a general guide to understand consumer behavior. However, it shouldn’t dictate your overall strategy. Your have Consumer data and user person (s) should.

For example, let’s say you found out through market research that your audience likes to consume information primarily through blogs and podcasts. This is a good indicator of what to focus your efforts on. In a few years these dates can change. In this case, your team should be flexible and move to where your audience is going.

Here are some things to keep in mind when determining where to direct your efforts:

  • Where your audience lives
  • The type of content you are going to create
  • The channel that converts the best

There are several ways to find out where your audience “hangs” online. First of all, you can check demographics by platform – this will give you an overview of the audience.

For example, TikTok is mostly aimed at a younger audience between 10 and 29 years old, while most Instagram users are between 18 and 34 years old.

You can also reach your target audience directly through polls and polls to find out where they spend their time. Also, keep an eye on your competitors.

See what they are focusing their efforts on and if they are successful it can be a good indication of where you should be. For example, when you’re not sure you’ve been to the right place but see a parking lot you know and breathe a sigh of relief.

Next is the type of content you are going to create.

Say your audience likes video content the most (think webinars, live videos, video tutorials). If so, your audience would be well suited to YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, all of which have video editing and publishing capabilities. You can then reuse your content for each platform.

Another factor to consider is how each channel contributes to your goals. This is where the importance of data comes in.

You may post on TikTok every day and find that the rare occasions that you post on Facebook, you get much higher engagement and conversion rates. While this could be for several reasons, you may want to draw your attention to Facebook as it offers the best return on investment.

Next, we’ll cover what software you can use to keep track of your social media data.

Top social media analysis software

1. HubSpot

With HubSpot’s social media management software, you can follow your social media strategy from start to finish.

HubSpot social media software

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With an easy-to-use dashboard, you can see exactly how your published posts are performing, which channels are driving traffic to your website and generating leads, and much more.

You can also filter your reports by campaign, account, and time period to narrow down the information you’re looking for.

In addition, HubSpot’s social media software enables you to:

  • Schedule posts.
  • See how your competitors are doing.
  • Track and monitor conversations related to your brand on any platform.
  • Export and analyze relevant reports.

The social media tool is available within HubSpot’s all-in-one CRM platform for medium to large companies.

2. HootSuite

HootSuite empowers your team to make quick decisions with real-time data on your social media strategy.

Hootsuite social media software

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The social media software takes some of the guesswork out of you, so you can focus on the most important insights. With customizable dashboards, you can also get a quick overview of your most important metrics and see what is driving traffic and sales.

From $ 49 / month to enterprise-level custom pricing, you can find a plan that suits your needs and is scalable.

3. Sprout Social

When multiple social channels are running at full speed and you are overwhelmed with the data, Sprout Social can help.

Sprout social media software

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The platform helps you manage your data and create ready-to-use reports that you can share with stakeholders.

Plus, you can use competitive intelligence to measure your performance and make informed decisions that will help your brand grow.

Sprout Social pricing is based on a subscription model and ranges from $ 99 to $ 249 per month.

Now that you know where consumers spend their time online, the real work begins. Experiment with different strategies to see what goes down best with your audience. Always use data and your user personalities to make your decisions.

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