Wearable Fans Look Obnoxious But Are Perfect for Summers

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Summer’s official first day isn’t even here yet, but the weather up in the Northeast has been temperamental to say the least. The majority of the last couple of weeks have been a roller coaster ride, with temperatures swinging up to the 80s (90s for one day even) for a few days, then plummeting back to the 60s. On those hot and humid days, it felt like I was melting — but I saw some relief with the help of wearable fans.

I’ve detailed recently how I decided to finally purchase some of these over-the-top cooling gadgets on Amazon. From the USB-powered air conditioner that can be used anywhere to fans for your smartphone, they were all solutions to help you stay cool. Out of the bunch I tried out, the most obnoxious has to be the wearable fans that rest around your neck, which have two fans on either side of your voice box blowing air straight at you. I admit that it looks goofy, and anyone wearing one would garner strange looks from people, but I also realize that they’re perfect for scorching summers. Best of all, you don’t necessarily need to wear them in order to stay cool.

Leave it in the car

wearable fan while driving
John Velasco / Digital Trends

Alright, I’m still not bold enough to wear them in public, because frankly speaking, it draws way too much attention. I’ve been using two different fans for the last couple weeks: A traditional one that uses a blade and another that’s bladeless. Both come from the company Spice of Life, which is one of the myriad of companies selling these wearable fans on Amazon. It’s worth noting that you need to be mindful about the potential for long hair to get tangled in the blade. That’s why there are bladeless models that reduce the potential of this hazard to happen.

I’ve kept one of them in my car for the practical reason that it takes a good while for the air conditioner to kick in and neutralize the warm air. Instead of having to languish for the first ten minutes or so it takes for the temperature to become bearable, the wearable fan helps to prevent me from continually sweating. And since there’s a little more privacy in the car, wearing one while driving isn’t a problem at all. Well, that’s unless you pull up to a red light and the person next to you looks over — but seriously, it’s great to have in the car because you never know when you’ll need it to stay cool.

Yes, you can use it as a desk fan

wearable fan as a desk fan
John Velasco / Digital Trends

Another interesting way of using one at home is that it can double as a handy desk fan. It serves double duty because the sturdy neck band allows the wearable fan to stay upright on flat surfaces. Like I said, you won’t catch me wearing this in a coffee shop while working on my laptop or even on a park bench. However, I’m inclined to use it freely in public as a makeshift desk fan.

Don’t discredit its power, either, because I was surprised by how strong it can get — especially on the highest setting. Since the two arms can bend and flex, you can also manipulate it in a way where you don’t necessarily need to wear it in order to reap the rewards of a breeze hitting your face. I’ve actually dangled it off the arm of my floor lamp, so there are many ways you can enjoy cool air without having to wear it around your neck.

A breeze when you need it

Wearable Fans Look Obnoxious But Are Perfect for Summers 1

When you’re in the sun and far away from any relief, you’ll appreciate how wearable fans can actually be practical for just about any situation. Yes, you may be like me and be hesitant about actually wearing one around the neck in public, but you can use it in a way that you feel an instant breeze when you need it. Take for example outdoor dining, which is something I plan on doing a lot of during the summer down by the Jersey Shore. Rather than sweltering on those humid days as I attempt to eat a meal, this wearable fan offers a degree of respite placed on the table.

I can go on and on about specific activities that can benefit me using this wearable fan, but I’ll simply reiterate how it can be the single best purchase you make for this upcoming summer.

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