This little box adds wireless Android Auto to unsupported cars

  • An Indiegogo project wants to deploy wireless Android Auto to unsupported cars.
  • The project, called AAWireless, uses a box as a wireless switch to access Android Auto on supported smartphones.

Of all the nifty new features that Google is adding to Android 11, the wireless Android Auto is definitely the most convenient for travelers who cut cables. While newer cars support this technology natively, a large number of older or cheaper vehicles only support the wired version. An Indiegogo project hopes to solve this problem once and for all.

The device known as AAWireless is practically an intermediary that your smartphone can use to communicate with the Android Auto headunit of your car via WiFi.

The current hardware prototype, which resembles a tiny box with a USB connection, is plugged directly into the car’s head unit like a dongle. The prototype takes about 30 seconds to connect to the phone. However, once the process is complete, users can access Android Auto directly from their car’s dashboard. This includes live navigation, access to media controls, and making or answering calls. T.The final device will likely be around 50mm x 50mm x 30mm and lose its Ethernet and USB-A ports.

Wireless Android Auto is now rolling out on Android 11 devices, however vehicle compatibility will depend on a number of factors. Some cars do not support wireless connectivity and otherwise require the head unit to be upgraded to use the feature. In these vehicles, the AAWireless apparently fills a gap.

The device has already reached its funding goal and is available on its project page for $ 55. Shipping is scheduled to begin by February 2021.

Next: The best Android Auto apps to make the most of it

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