These AI generated memes are bizarre and profound

These AI generated memes are bizarre and profound

For an entire generation that grew up in the dark corners of the internet, Memes are the preferred form of communication. You help us coping with catastrophic events and coping with existential fear;; they can even affect the spread of diseases such as the coronavirus. They keep us healthy in difficult times.

But what happens if you remove the human element from memes and have it created by an AI instead?

Chaos. That’s what. Nice mess.



Imgflip has created an AI that creates subtitles for some of the most popular memes of the past decade and beyond. They are disarmingly good, but also strange enough to create this eerie feeling of the valley.

Sometimes they almost work …



And sometimes they make no sense at all.



But many people on the Internet have had great success creating incredibly bizarre and often profound memes with the generator.

The AI ​​was trained with public images created by users of the Imgflip meme generator. There is a full article on how AI was developed Here.

In the meantime, I’ll just leave you with that …


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