The Tesla Android prototype is coming in 2022 to take your job
- The Tesla Android was announced by the electric car maker this week during its Tesla AI Day event.
- According to Tesla boss Elon Musk, a prototype should come onto the market in 2022.
- The 5’8 “Android is supposed to take on” dangerous, repetitive, boring tasks “.
Tesla, which is already incorporating AI in its popular electric vehicles, takes this aspect to the next level. At the end of the company’s Tesla AI Day presentation on Thursday, it surprised audiences with the announcement of the Tesla Android.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk says the humanoid Android should work in a world made and built by people. It should take on tasks that many consider dangerous, boring, or repetitive. The android itself will be 5’8 “tall and weigh 125 pounds. Its head serves as a display to show information. It will also have eight cameras.
Musk explained that the AI programming in the Tesla Android was an extension of the AI in his cars, which he called “semi-sensitive robots on wheels”. Musk added that using neural network programming, such an Android should do tasks like picking up food or turning a wrench without any line-by-line training. He believes that physical activity will be a choice rather than a necessity for humans in the future.
Of course, such an Android could have a huge impact on society if it managed to take jobs from people. Such future scenarios have been the stuff of tons of science fiction stories, films, and television shows for decades.
During the brief presentation, Musk said the Tesla Android was designed to be “friendly”. However, he indicated that some people might be afraid of such a device. He joked that people should be able to run away from the android. People should also “most likely overwhelm” it, according to Musk. In other words, it won’t be a Terminator cyborg (let’s hope).