Spelunky, Spelunky 2 Releasing On Switch Later This Month

After being announced this past December during a Nintendo Indie World Direct presentation, Spelunky developer Mossmouth Games announced that both Spelunky and Spelunky 2 are heading to the Switch later this month. The duo of roguelike dungeon-divers will be available in just two short weeks, on August 26.

It should be noted that the August 26 release date for the games only applies to North America, Europe, and Australia. Release dates for Spelunky and Spelunky in other regions will come “soon,” according to a video posted this morning by Mossmouth.

Spelunky was originally released in December 2008 and quickly became a cult classic. The game received an HD re-release in August 2013 and was released yet again on the PSN in October 2014. Spelunky 2 launched over a decade after Spelunky, hitting PC and PlayStation 4 this past September. On Switch, Spelunky will support local multiplayer, while Spelunky 2 will support both online and local multiplayer.

Spelunky and Spelunky 2′s arrival on Switch will potentially leave it as the best platform to play either game on. Because both titles are roguelikes — and difficult ones at that — players can end up starting multiple runs quickly. Having the option to take them both on the go fits their overall quick gameplay loop.

While Spelunky and Spelunky 2 are set to release in just two weeks, neither game is currently present on Nintendo’s eShop. For now, it’s not clear how much it will cost players to pick up the games, either. If Spelunky and Spelunky 2 follow their Steam releases, though, they should be $15 and $20 to purchase, respectively.

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