Samsung patents a movable camera system with adaptive aperture

Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus back angle


  • A new patent suggests that Samsung is working on a moving camera design for smartphones.
  • The movable camera system would allow several aperture values.
  • It’s unclear whether Samsung would ever use this system on a consumer-ready smartphone.

Samsung is apparently working on a new movable camera design for smartphones that may allow for a variable aperture.

The design came to light in a recently published patent (h / t LetsGoDigital). In the standard setup, the camera array sits horizontally over the back of a smartphone. However, the cameras in this array can also move and form a triangle. The main camera is in the center and can move down from its original position. At the same time, on the left and right sides of the array there is an ultra-wide camera and a telephoto camera that can move inward.

Samsung moving camera patentletsgodigital 1

Each camera sensor has two openings and each of these openings has a different aperture. Theoretically, changing the position of the sensors changes the aperture of the cameras. With the cameras in their triangle formation, each would be set to their lowest aperture. Since the cameras have two end locations, this suggests that only two aperture values ​​would be available per camera. The above illustration adds a little bit of context to this system.

Samsung’s moving camera system: the disadvantages

This movable camera system offers many advantages. Lower aperture values ​​let more light into the camera, which should improve low-light photography.

See also: Understanding Aperture – What is it and how does it affect image quality?

There are some drawbacks as well. Moving parts lead to more possible points of failure. It’s especially scary when you consider that these parts are connected to the phone’s delicate camera components. The hardware required to control the camera system would also likely make the phone heavier.

Samsung mobile camera patentletsgodigital

The Samsung Electro-Mechanics department is responsible for the patent and filed it back in October 2020. However, it remains unclear whether Samsung is considering using this system in a future phone. The company has experimented with variable bezel phones in the past, including the Galaxy Note 9 and Galaxy S10 Plus. It is also no stranger to moving cameras. The Galaxy A80 packs a nifty Flippy camera system.

However, this is only a patent and does not confirm that Samsung is planning such a system for a future consumer-ready smartphone. Still, what do you think of the design? Let us know in the comments below.

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