Need To Reduce Stress? Fitbit Premium’s Calm May Help

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Fitbit has been on a roll recently. Along with the recent release of the Fitbit Charge 5 — which represets a huge upgrade from the Charge 4 and older models, according to our full review  — Fitbit has also added some new updates to Fitbit Premium for members to enjoy, including the Calm meditation app. The service is device-agnostic and uses the Fitbit smartphone app, so it’ll work regardless of if you have a Charge 5, older Fitbit models, other brand’s devices, or no smartwatch or fitness tracker at all.

With 30 different relaxation options, Calm’s purpose is to help you reduce stress, relax, and improve on sleep. It can even be paired with the EDA Scan app for the Fitbit Sense and Charge 5, which gives users the ability to track their heart rate and electrodermal activity responses as they use Calm. Put simply, it’s a stress tracker.

Fitbit Charge 5

Those with a Fitbit Premium subscription and a Fitbit Sense or Versa 3 have a new feature of their own as well — Snore and Noise Detect, which keeps track of snoring and noises made during sleep by the wearer, other people in the room, or the environment. It’s meant to help determine what’s affecting the quality of your sleep, allowing you to understand and make changes to get a better night’s rest.

Finally, Fitbit is working on developing and releasing Daily Readiness Score — a score that evaluates if you’re ready to work out again or if you should recover for the day — and an ECG app. They’re expected to release in the coming months, and when they do, you’ll be able to view numbers on your sleep, exercise, and heart rate to help create new personalized goals for the day.

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