Metroid Dread: Aeion Abilities Guide

In Metroid Dread, you’ll gain access to a slew of abilities to help you on your journey through planet ZDR. One set of skills are the Aeion abilities, which are unique from the others you acquire in-game. That’s because Aeion abilities are tied to a meter that fills up automatically, meaning you can use them as much as you want without worrying about running out — so long as you wait for the bar to refill. However, each of the Aeion abilities have their own quirks and must be discovered from specific locations around the planet.

In this guide, we’ll show you all three of the Aeion abilities, how they work, and where to find them in Metroid Dread.

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Phantom Cloak

The first Aeion ability you acquire is the Phantom Cloak. It’s best used against the E.M.M.I. robots you encounter throughout the game, but also works on other enemies. To use it, make sure your Aeion meter — indicated by the yellow bar below your ammo in the top left — is full. Click in the Right Stick and Samus will temporarily turn invisible. This move is not only useful against enemies but there are also doors that can only be accessed while invisible, so keep that in mind.

Just be aware, Samus walks significantly slower while using the Phantom Cloak, so you’ll want to initiate the move at opportune moments to make the most out of it. Once the Aeion meter reaches zero, it will then deplete your health while keeping you invisible, which is particularly useful against the E.M.M.I. Just make sure it doesn’t deplete all of your health.

Map of Artaria in Metroid Dread.

The Phantom Cloak Aeion Ability is located in Artaria and is given to you after you defeat the Corpius boss. This boss is found on the eastern side of the map and is available fairly early in the game.

Flash Shift

Next up is the Flash Shift Aeion ability, which gives Samus the ability to dash quickly left or right. This move is especially useful against bosses or mini-bosses, as it allows you to quickly dodge out of the way and put some distance between you and your foes. It’s also great for simply traversing the map, as it allows you to get around much faster than before. Do note that you can only perform up to three Flash Shifts consecutively before needing to stop to wait for the Aeion meter to refill. It refills quickly, so you can get back to dashing a few seconds afterward.

To use the move, hold the Left Stick to the Left or Right and then press the A button. You can perform the move in midair as well. Keep pressing A while pressing Left or Right and you’ll dash. Just remember, you can only do it three times before having to stop to recharge.

Map of Berenia in Metroid Dread.

You can find the Flash Shift Aeion ability in Burenia after you’ve utilized the Spider Magnet to navigate underwater. Visit the location on the map above, and the Flash Shift ability will be available from a giant statue.

Pulse Radar

The final Aeion ability to unlock is the Pulse Radar. This skill highlights your surroundings and pinpoints any breakable walls and abilities that may be hidden to the naked eye. It’s an excellent tool, especially during the later portions of the game wherein you might be hunting for additional missile tanks or power-ups. To use the move, press and hold Right on the D-pad, and the area around you will pulsate — hence the name — and highlight any breakable blocks in blue. The move will drain all of your Aeion power upon using it, so you’ll need to wait a few seconds before being able to activate it again.

Map of Ghavoran in Metroid Dread.

This ability is located in Ghavoran and can be unlocked after defeating the blue E.M.M.I in this area. Then, head to the spot marked on the map above, and you’ll be able to get your hands on the Pulse Radar Aeion ability, given to you by a statue.

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