Method to Annoy the Red Color Badge Alerts for Application on Home Screen in iPhone
Red Color Badge Alerts: The simplest and new technology used to annoy all notifications in the mobile. Everyone who has the phone, they will not have the time to read all the emails. Check missed call details and also the message notifications. And moreover, it can sound the little odd, and that people don’t like to listen to those sounds and all. The problem is not about the listening or reading that details; this affects the iPhone’s home screen.
Red Color Badge Alerts
Some people may think like that only when they get the notification about anything in iPhones it may feel like disturbance to them. The small red circles with the white colour numbers riddled all over the home screen of the iPhone. They called the badge app icon. This Badge symbols purpose is to let the users know about the notification. That how many unread alerts you get in each and every particular application. The applications like the mail, calls, voice mails and etc in iPhones.
Most of this badge app alert icon set by default, with the mail apps and stock phone. If you are like this alerts and don’t particularly worry. Or if you have more than thirty thousand unread emails in your iPhone. Then it is fairly easy to delete in this iOS 7. It may be on any device such as the iPod, iPad or iPhone touch.
Simple technology that how to disable badge application icon for mail
To acquire rid off the annoying more than thirteen thousand unread email alert notification for the mail application on the iPhone home screen. Then it takes the simple steps that just go to the application of the Notification Center part, which is already, presents in your device setting choice.
However, this application is a predefined one. After entering into that menu, you could able to find the application of MAIL. From there, you could have several email accounts like iCloud and Gmail. From that list, you have to select one application which you want to disable from your iPhone. And then, the last step is after choosing the desired account, then turn off the application of badge App Icon.
This process is only set for the iPhone with version 7. If you are having the iPhone with the version five or six, the disable process is, disable badge alerts from your iPhone, go to setting menu, after selecting this menu it will display a lot of menu from there select the Notifications after that choose the option of Mail option. After completing the selection process then immediately switch off the Badge application icon. Then the next process is how to disable the Badge application icon for another application or phone.
How to disable badge app symbol for a phone
For mobile, first, you have to turn off the badges and then the remaining processes are similar like the email, except you will not have to select between exchange accounts. The phone process takes the simple methods that select the options of Notification Center setting menu and then disable the icon of Badge App symbols. After completing this disabling process, now you could no longer keep the numbered symbols lingering in the spot of your application symbol.
Instead of these specifications now you will have the clean and nice home screens in your iPhone home screen. This method is best and excellent for the entire apps which you use, but the clearances alert are not necessary for this iPhone. This method is given for the mail and the phone, but you can also use this option for disabling Facebook and the twitter notification. When you do this disabling process, you can save the charges or battery power in your iPad, iPod or iPhone.
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