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Marvel directors want Avengers movies back in theaters post-quarantine

Marvel directors want Avengers movies back in theaters post-quarantine

If anyone can help theaters recover after the coronavirus quarantine is removed, it’s the Avengers.


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The Avengers are already known to save the world, but they could also save cinemas from the world COVID-19 Closures and delayed film releases.

Avengers: Endgame and Infinity war director Joe Russo told CinemaBlend on Sunday that he and his co-director brother Anthony Russo would be overjoyed that their Avengers films will return to the big screen to help theaters get the much-needed revenue after the film Corona virus quarantine is removed.

“The theater experience is a community experience,” said Joe Russo. “Perhaps the most touching moment in our entire career was when the block began a few weeks ago, and Endgame was hot on social media because everyone posted videos of opening screenings in their cinemas, the audience of which was really emotionally connected to the material really the strength of the theater experience that it unites the audience and you globally. “

The return of the Avengers films to cinemas would not only give the film industry a financial boost, but it could also be a great way for fans to get together and learn about their love for Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hulk and exchange the rest of their favorite Marvel superheroes.

“Bringing people back to the movies with these films? We would be thrilled,” said Joe Russo. “Every opportunity for people to share these stories is one that we would support.”

In addition to the Avengers films, which may return to US cinemas, another country suggested something similar. March, China announced it would release Avengers again Films to revive cinemas after blocking their own corona virus.

Disney and Marvel did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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