How to Turn Off Subtitles on Prime Video

Unlocking the Hidden Features: How to Turn Off Subtitles on Prime Video

Are you tired of subtitles popping up on your screen while enjoying your favorite movies and TV shows on Prime Video? Well, we’ve got good news for you. In this article, we will uncover the hidden features that allow you to turn off subtitles on Prime Video, giving you a seamless and immersive viewing experience.

Prime Video has become an increasingly popular streaming platform, offering a vast library of content for its users. While subtitles can be helpful for non-native English speakers or for those who are hard of hearing, they can sometimes be distracting or unnecessary. Whether you prefer to watch without subtitles or simply want to give your eyes a break, we’ve got you covered.

By following a few simple steps, you can easily disable the subtitles on Prime Video and enjoy your favorite movies and TV shows exactly how you like them. We’ll guide you through the process, ensuring that you never miss a moment of uninterrupted entertainment.

So, if you’re ready to unlock the hidden features and bid farewell to subtitles on Prime Video, let’s dive right in!

Why would you want to turn off subtitles?

Subtitles can be both a blessing and a curse. While they can enhance the viewing experience for some, others may find them distracting or unnecessary. There are several reasons why you might want to turn off subtitles on Prime Video:

  1. Distracting visuals: Subtitles can sometimes take up a significant portion of the screen, obscuring important visuals or distracting you from the action happening on-screen.
  1. Language proficiency: If you are a native English speaker or have a high level of proficiency in the language, subtitles may not be necessary for you to understand the dialogue.
  1. Preference: Some people simply prefer to watch movies and TV shows without subtitles, as they find it more immersive and natural.

Whatever your reason may be, turning off subtitles on Prime Video is a straightforward process that can greatly enhance your viewing experience. Let’s explore how to do it on different devices.

Subtitles on Prime Video

How to turn off subtitles on Prime Video on different devices

Turning off subtitles on the web browser

If you prefer to watch Prime Video on your computer or laptop, you can easily disable subtitles by following these steps:

  1. Open Prime Video: Launch your preferred web browser and go to the Prime Video website (
  1. Sign in: Sign in to your Amazon account associated with your Prime Video subscription.
  1. Select a video: Choose the movie or TV show you want to watch from the Prime Video library.
  1. Play the video: Click on the play button to start the video.
  1. Access settings: Once the video starts playing, move your mouse over the player to reveal the playback controls. You should see a gear icon, usually located in the bottom right corner of the player. Click on it to access the settings menu.
  1. Disable subtitles: In the settings menu, you’ll find an option labeled “Subtitles.” Click on it to expand the subtitles settings.
  1. Turn off subtitles: From the expanded subtitles settings, you can select the “Off” option to disable subtitles. Once selected, the subtitles will no longer appear on the screen while watching the video.
  1. Enjoy your subtitle-free viewing: Sit back, relax, and enjoy your movie or TV show without any distractions from subtitles.

Turning off subtitles on the web browser is a simple process that allows you to customize your viewing experience on Prime Video. However, if you prefer to watch on mobile devices, the steps may differ slightly. Let’s take a look at how to turn off subtitles on the Prime Video app for iOS and Android.

Turning off subtitles on the Prime Video app for iOS

If you’re using an iPhone or iPad to watch Prime Video, you can easily disable subtitles by following these steps:

  1. Open the Prime Video app: Locate the Prime Video app on your iOS device and tap on it to launch.
  1. Sign in: Sign in to your Amazon account associated with your Prime Video subscription.
  1. Select a video: Browse through the available movies and TV shows and choose the one you want to watch.
  1. Play the video: Tap on the video to start playing it.
  1. Access settings: While the video is playing, tap on the screen to reveal the playback controls. Look for a speech bubble icon, usually located in the top right corner of the screen. Tap on it to access the subtitles settings.
  1. Disable subtitles: In the subtitles settings menu, you’ll find a list of available subtitle options. Tap on the “Off” option to disable subtitles.
  1. Enjoy your subtitle-free viewing: Sit back, relax, and enjoy your movie or TV show without any distractions from subtitles.

Turning off subtitles on the Prime Video app for iOS is a breeze, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your favorite content. But what if you’re using an Android device? Let’s find out how to turn off subtitles on the Prime Video app for Android.

Turning off subtitles on the Prime Video app for Android

If you’re an Android user, turning off subtitles on the Prime Video app is just as easy. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Prime Video app: Locate the Prime Video app on your Android device and tap on it to launch.
  1. Sign in: Sign in to your Amazon account associated with your Prime Video subscription.
  1. Select a video: Browse through the available movies and TV shows and choose the one you want to watch.
  1. Play the video: Tap on the video to start playing it.
  1. Access settings: While the video is playing, tap on the screen to reveal the playback controls. Look for a speech bubble icon, usually located in the top right corner of the screen. Tap on it to access the subtitles settings.
  1. Disable subtitles: In the subtitles settings menu, you’ll find a list of available subtitle options. Tap on the “Off” option to disable subtitles.
  1. Enjoy your subtitle-free viewing: Sit back, relax, and enjoy your movie or TV show without any distractions from subtitles.

Turning off subtitles on the Prime Video app for Android is a quick and straightforward process, allowing you to customize your viewing experience to your liking. Now that you know how to turn off subtitles on different devices, let’s address some common issues you may encounter and provide additional tips and tricks for Prime Video users.

Troubleshooting common issues when turning off subtitles

While turning off subtitles on Prime Video is usually a smooth process, you may encounter some issues along the way. Here are some common problems you might face and their solutions:

  1. Subtitles not turning off: If you’ve followed the steps to disable subtitles but they still appear on the screen, make sure you’ve selected the correct option. Sometimes, there may be multiple subtitle tracks available, so double-check that you’ve chosen the “Off” option.
  1. Subtitles not available: In some cases, certain movies or TV shows on Prime Video may not have the option to disable subtitles. This could be due to licensing agreements or the content creators’ decision to include subtitles by default. Unfortunately, in such cases, you may not be able to turn off the subtitles.
  1. Device-specific issues: Different devices and operating systems may have slight variations in their user interfaces or settings menus. If you’re unable to find the subtitles settings or encounter any other issues specific to your device, refer to the Prime Video help documentation or contact customer support for further assistance.

It’s important to note that the availability of subtitle options may vary depending on the content you’re watching. While most movies and TV shows on Prime Video offer the ability to disable subtitles, there may be exceptions. If you’re unable to turn off subtitles for a specific video, it’s worth checking if the option is available for other content.

Additional tips and tricks for Prime Video users

Now that you know how to turn off subtitles on Prime Video, here are some additional tips and tricks to enhance your viewing experience:

  1. Customize subtitle appearance: If you prefer to keep subtitles enabled but find their appearance distracting, you can often customize the font, size, color, and other aspects of the subtitles. Explore the settings menu to find options for customizing subtitles to your liking.
  1. Explore other hidden features: Prime Video offers a range of hidden features that can enhance your viewing experience. These include audio descriptions for visually impaired viewers, parental controls, and advanced search options. Take some time to explore the settings and menus to discover these hidden gems.
  1. Use the X-Ray feature: Prime Video’s X-Ray feature provides additional information about the actors, music, and trivia related to the content you’re watching. This can add a whole new layer of engagement and knowledge to your viewing experience. Keep an eye out for the X-Ray button while watching a movie or TV show.
  1. Create watchlists and playlists: To keep track of your favorite movies and TV shows or to organize content based on themes or genres, consider creating watchlists and playlists on Prime Video. This can make it easier to find and enjoy your preferred content without scrolling through the entire library.
  1. Download content for offline viewing: Prime Video allows you to download certain movies and TV shows for offline viewing. This can be especially useful when you’re traveling or in areas with limited internet connectivity. Look for the download button next to the content you want to save and enjoy it later without an internet connection.

Conclusion and final thoughts

Turning off subtitles on Prime Video is a simple yet powerful way to customize your viewing experience and enjoy movies and TV shows exactly how you like them. Whether you find subtitles distracting, prefer to watch without them, or simply want to give your eyes a break, the hidden features of Prime Video allow you to unlock a seamless and immersive entertainment experience.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily disable subtitles on Prime Video across different devices, including web browsers, iOS devices, and Android devices. Remember to troubleshoot common issues if you encounter any problems, and explore additional tips and tricks to enhance your Prime Video experience.

So, go ahead, unlock the hidden features, and bid farewell to subtitles on Prime Video. It’s time to enjoy your favorite movies and TV shows without any distractions and immerse yourself in the world of entertainment like never before.

Frequently asked questions about turning off subtitles on Prime Video

Q: Can I turn off subtitles on Prime Video permanently?

A: Yes, once you disable subtitles on Prime Video, the setting will be saved for future use. However, if you switch to a different device or app, you may need to repeat the process to turn off subtitles again.

Q: Can I customize the appearance of subtitles on Prime Video?

A: Yes, Prime Video often provides options to customize the font, size, color, and other aspects of subtitles. Explore the settings menu to find these customization options.

Q: Why are subtitles not available for some movies or TV shows on Prime Video?

A: The availability of subtitles can vary depending on the content and licensing agreements. Some movies or TV shows may have subtitles enabled by default, while others may not offer the option to disable them.

Q: How can I access the X-Ray feature on Prime Video?

A: The X-Ray feature is usually accessible by clicking on the X-Ray button while watching a movie or TV show on Prime Video. It provides additional information about the actors, music, and trivia related to the content.

Q: Can I download movies and TV shows from Prime Video for offline viewing?

A: Yes, Prime Video allows you to download certain movies and TV shows for offline viewing. Look for the download button next to the content you want to save and enjoy it later without an internet connection.

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