Hadlee Simons

Here’s how often you use split-view multitasking

Alcatel 3 multitasking

Split-view multitasking has been available on Android phones for years, allowing you to have two apps running on the screen at the same time. This feature usually splits the screen in half, with each half of the display occupied by an app (as shown above).

However, we wanted to know how often people actually use this feature – if they use it at all. We asked that question last week, and that’s how you voted.

How often do you use split view multitasking?


Over 5,000 votes were totaled in this poll after it was released on August 20th, which gives us a huge sample size to work with. And it found that the largest single decision was “I’ve never used it”, with almost 28% of respondents in favor of this option. Some reader comments indicate that enabling this feature is not that easy, or that pop-up windows may be a better alternative in some cases.

Otherwise, it seems like the rest of the options are fairly evenly divided. Just under 13% of readers say they use Split-View Multitasking every day, 15% say they use it every week, and 17% say they use the feature once or twice a month. Finally, 14% state that they use the function every few months and 14% of the respondents state that they have used the function once a year.

Readers note that split-view multitasking works well when using a chat app, watching videos, or for productivity-related reasons.


  • Sebastian: Get a 21: 9 display and give it a try. Really great function.
  • Tennis freak: I’m really surprised that so many voices say they never use it. I love using this feature especially for messaging / chatting while doing something else.
  • Kossay Zemzem: I completely forgot that I had that. In all honesty, it’s pretty confusing to use two apps at the same time, not to mention how small each page gets.
  • Silverio Vicente II: I use it all the time to see Twitch and various chat apps for the emotes. For Google Maps with music app, YouTube and Twitter or other social media apps. To browse Reddit with a Chrome app, or Twitch to download Twitch clips. Discord using Chrome to open links. I should note that this applies to my Z Fold 2. The use cases for my non-fold phone are fewer, just Twitch with chat and Reddit with Twitch, YouTube and social media apps / messaging.
  • Harry Flores: The problem with this feature is that it’s not in front of you. You have to look for it
  • Hoseki Lukashiki: I use it for retro gaming. One for the emulator and one screen for the walkthrough. Great feature in my opinion.
  • Matěj Dona: Last year I worked part-time as a postman to deliver letters and parcels over long distances by bike in a rural area (I cycled 20-35 km every day). Splitscreen helped me a lot back then and I used it every day. Memorizing everything would take longer than I worked there, so I had my phone on a bike mount with a list of all the addresses I’ve shipped to on one half and a map on the other half of the screen.
  • Evie: Used to a lot, but not since picture in picture became a thing.
  • Walter Kowalski: I kind of forgot about the feature, but it would be nice to make it easier, either with a “Hey Google” command or an option to hold the Mutil virtual task button
  • rmiller1959: I would use it more if I remembered how to enable it!

Thank you for taking our survey and leaving comments. Do you think split-view multitasking needs to be tweaked or is it fine the way it is? Let us know below!

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