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Google’s latest switch to Pixel video stars a banana, teaches you karate

Google's latest switch to Pixel video stars a banana, teaches you karate 1

Switch to the New Google Pixel (and Do Yoko Uke in Karate)

  • Google released another quirky how-to video detailing how to transfer files from your old phone to the Pixel.
  • This clip plays a banana and also teaches you a simple starter karate block.
  • Another video is teased. So expect another unconventional video from Google in due course.

Google is doubling its quirky pixel videos. For the past month, the company made fun of mindfulness and meditation instructions. This time we get a short karate lesson and a cameo from a banana.

As in the previous video, the new role is to teach viewers how to transfer their data from an old phone to their Pixel. If that old phone is a banana, then this video will be even more useful to you. “As long as you know how to plug in a cable, you’re not going to screw this up,” quips the video. If you’re not communicating with fresh fruit, this guide is also very useful as it also includes a free karate class for beginners.

How come you want to buy a Pixel? Who knows, but it’s great when companies get weird on their marketing roles. According to this clip, another video should appear in due course detailing how to change the pixel’s background image. It seems that Google’s unconventional clips will keep going for a while.

As a warning, if you’ve never used a smartphone in your life and this is the first guide you’ve ever seen on the subject, plugging your phone into fresh fruit is never a good idea.

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