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Does your current smartphone have a headphone port?

LG V60 ports macro 2
LG V60 Ports Macro 2

It seems like OEMs only recently started removing the 3.5mm port from their high-end phones, but the first wave of companies did so back in 2016. We can go back even further, with Oppo like Oppo for a couple of phones in the early 2010s.

In any case, the headphone jack has become a rarity on flagship smartphones today, as manufacturers rely instead on Bluetooth earbuds, USB-C accessories, and USB-C to 3.5mm dongles. Does your smartphone have a headphone jack? Take the survey below.

Asus, LG, and Sony are among the few manufacturers to offer flagship phones with a 3.5mm connector, but LG pulled out of the smartphone business earlier this year. Fortunately, things look better if you go into the mid-range segment, as virtually every larger phone has a headphone jack.

In the survey above, let us know if your current phone / daytime driver has a 3.5mm port. Are you looking for a great phone with a headphone jack? Then you can read our guide here.

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