16 Free Project Management Software Options to Keep Your Team On Track

92% of U.S. workers feel that they could collaborate better with their colleagues. Managing multiple projects at once, delegating tasks, and collaborating across teams is difficult on a good day — but can become downright impossible when unforeseen obstacles get in the way. The data proves that project management is no walk in the park…

How Conversion Funnels Create a Better Customer Journey + How to Optimize Yours

Conversion-Trichter sind ein grundlegendes Konzept im Vertrieb. Persönlich stelle ich mir den Trichter gerne als die große, beängstigende Folie vor, die Sie als Kind ausprobieren wollten. Du hast gesehen, wie deine Freunde runter sausten, was dein Interesse geweckt hat. Sie haben gesehen, wie viel Spaß sie bei Ihren Recherchen hatten. Und dann überwogen die Vorteile…

The Catchiest Webinar Titles We’ve Seen, Plus How to Make Your Own

Webinar titles are very similar to blog post titles – they need to grab your attention but provide enough context to make you click. Titles cannot be too short or too long. And since webinars are designed to educate or educate viewers, it’s best to let people know what they’re getting by giving an hour…