How to Be a Better Marketer Through Mindfulness and Meditation

How to Be a Better Marketer Through Mindfulness and Meditation

Lassen Sie uns dies an die Öffentlichkeit bringen: Ich beiße mir auf die Nägel. Zumindest habe ich es getan. (Ein bisschen eklig, oder?) Aber vor ein paar Sommern sah ich zu, wie mein damals dreijähriger Sohn auf seinen Fingernagel knabberte. Das war’s. Der letzte Tritt in den Hintern, den ich sehen musste, um endlich eine…

How to Write a Great Email Signature [+ Professional Examples]

How to Write a Great Email Signature [+ Professional Examples]

The average office worker sends 40 emails per day. That’s 40 opportunities to market yourself and your business in those individual emails you send, every single day. A lot of people treat their email signatures like an afterthought, which makes for a real missed opportunity. Those signatures are a chance for you to make it…