How Uses Data-driven Marketing to Guide Strategy
As any marketer will tell you, there are a number of benefits to using data to inform you about your marketing decisions.
Pro Well Tech Blogging
As any marketer will tell you, there are a number of benefits to using data to inform you about your marketing decisions.
As recently as a decade ago, inbound marketing was a brand new idea. Marketers were learning that they couldn’t just publish a high volume of content — it also had to be high-quality and optimized in ways that made it as discoverable as possible through search engines. That content was once largely limited to the…
When someone sends me a really great YouTube video, I always want to know who is behind it. Was it an advertising agency? A small or medium business? A B2B technology company? No matter who it was, when I’m impressed I want to see more of the content creator.
Wussten Sie, dass es fünfmal mehr kostet? einen neuen Kunden zu gewinnen, als einen bestehenden zu behalten?
Letztes Jahr hat sich ein Schlagwort durch den Content-Marketing-Bereich gezogen, von dem die meisten Vermarkter überraschend begeistert und bereit waren, es umzusetzen. Erstaunlicherweise begann es nicht mit „virtuell“ oder endete mit „Intelligenz“. Stattdessen war es das, was die meisten Vermarkter in erster Linie in die Branche zog – “Storytelling”.
Have you ever accidentally wasted a whole day in Photoshop? I have. It’s not that you start aimlessly. You have a simple goal in mind; E.g. crop a photo, improve the resolution or resize the canvas. But then you look at how many options there are – and when you figure out which buttons to…
Choosing the best organizational structure for your company, division, or team is a lot like picking out a new car. At the most basic level, you’re always looking for something road-worthy — something that can take you (and your passengers) from point A to point B without a hitch.
Arten von Diagrammen, die für Ihre Daten verwendet werden sollen Säulendiagramm Balkendiagramm Liniendiagramm Doppelachsendiagramm Flächendiagramm Gestapeltes Balkendiagramm Mekko-Diagramm Kuchendiagramm Streudiagramm Blasendiagramm Wasserfallkarte Trichterdiagramm Aufzählungszeichen Heat Map Sie und ich durchsuchen viele Daten für unsere Jobs. Daten über Website-Leistung, Verkaufsleistung, Produktakzeptanz, Kundenservice, Ergebnisse von Marketingkampagnen … die Liste geht weiter. Wenn Sie mehrere verwalten Inhaltsressourcenwie soziale…
Editor’s note: Spam filters are much more sophisticated than the subject line triggers listed in this post. For a more up-to-date guide to email marketing, check out our free guide to creating email newsletters, which are actually read here. Writing the subject lines for your emails can be one of the most stressful steps in…