8 Ways Digital Rewards Can Help Marketers to Stand Out
Many of us scroll past ads in their news feed, delete emails or even go to the bathroom in advertising breaks.
Pro Well Tech Blogging
Many of us scroll past ads in their news feed, delete emails or even go to the bathroom in advertising breaks.
Consumers love connecting with brands via email, and it’s a channel that continues to provide ROI. In fact, for every $1 spent on email marketing, marketers receive an average of $42 in return (HubSpot State of Marketing 2020).
Starting a blog is difficult. Strategic planning is required to consider what to publish and how to advertise it. And will your content appeal to your customers and inspire them?
Keep it simple, stupid. We don’t mean to offend you — this is just an example of a great slogan that also bears the truth of the power of succinctness in advertising. It’s incredibly difficult to be succinct, and it’s especially difficult to express a complex emotional concept in just a couple of words —…
Suppose you buy a new phone. You’ll probably also need to buy a screen protector and case. But don’t worry – the phone store offers a range of both from different companies. They are bundled with the phone at a cheaper price.
In recent decades, companies, marketing departments, and C-suites have used the term “community” to refer to a variety of ideas, from far-reaching organizational investments – such as neighborhood events or charity partnerships – to online forums and even simple e- Mail lists.
If you’ve ever came across Tim Ferris’s iconic book on how to just work four hours per week, you’ve probably dreamed of sipping a Mojito on a beach while your money worked for you in the background. One of the main ideas he constantly talks about is the concept of passive income.
In marketing these days, you can’t swing an enthusiastic micro-influencer without hitting someone who’s talking about video content. And it’s not without merit. A recent HubSpot study revealed 54% of consumers want to see more video content from brands and businesses they support.
How many times have you seen a term for something you already knew? That probably happens a lot, doesn’t it?