
7 Ways SEO & PPC Can Work Together in 2021

If your SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay per click) teams exist in complete silos, it's time to change…

The Beginner’s Guide to Setting Up a Blog

Did you know that there are more than 600 million blogs on the Internet and that 77% of web surfers…

How to Detect and Eliminate Keyword Cannibalization

Keywords are the be-all and end-all when it comes to motivating users and improving your search engine ranking. (more…)

How to Create a Holiday Marketing Campaign: A Step-by-Step Guide

The malls are decked with holly, your inbox is filling up with holiday-themed promotions, and you've deemed it socially acceptable…

The 5 Best Ebook Formats for Marketers [Free Templates]

Some argue that in the world of marketing, e-books are dead. Others say they are not. The fact is, however,…

10 Common Copywriting Templates to Use in Marketing

Wenn Sie einen Vermarkter, der für das Verfassen von Texten verantwortlich ist, nach seinem Schreibprozess fragen, werden Sie schnell feststellen,…

16 Cheerful Examples of Holiday Homepage Designs

Nach Angaben der National Retail Federation machte E-Commerce 2019 20,9% des gesamten Weihnachtsumsatzes aus, und diese Zahl scheint jedes Jahr…

7 Easy tactics to get natural backlinks

Why is it, after all, that you, being good, SEO-friendly and nevertheless utterly valuable content (still current), still do not…

The 5 Types of Social Media and Pros & Cons of Each

Marketers commonly use social media to increase brand awareness, generate leads, and improve traffic. If you’re tasked with starting a…

Removing Gatekeepers From Your Marketing

Every marketer has previously encountered one of these roadblocks: (more…)