
Apple drops Bose from retail to sell own headphones, and more tech news today

Your Tech News Digest via the DGiT Daily Tech Newsletter for Tuesday, October 6th, 2020. 1. Make waves in the sound Not one, but three stories about audio and smart devices. The first is that Apple has tacitly stopped selling third-party audio equipment from its retail stores, according to a Bloomberg report. Bose, Sonos, and…


G Suite is now Google Workspace: What you need to know

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE31y5HbukA?autoplay=0&autohide=2border=0&wmode=opaque&enablejsapi=1rel=0&controls=1&showinfo=1&w=100&h=100] Google has renamed G Suite to Google Workspace. Workspace offers users the same apps but is more collaborative. Google has also expanded the pricing tiers of the product for small and large businesses. It’s been four years since Google renamed Apps for Work to G Suite. Today the company is renaming G Suite…


Nvidia thinks it can solve video-calling’s greatest challenges

Nvidia released its Maxine developer platform to improve video calling. The platform enables face alignment and eye correction for more natural conversations. Other supported features include dramatic bandwidth savings and video upscaling. The COVID-19 pandemic means video calling has become more important than ever as businesses host virtual meetings, schools host online courses, and families…


Amazon Prime Day – when it is it and what you need to do to be ready

We have been waiting for Amazon Prime Day to start longer compared to previous years. However, one of the biggest, if not the biggest, online shopping event of the year is finally getting closer. We will give you all the information we currently know about the event. This should get you up to speed so…