Android 12 Beta 4, more! 1

6 minutes ago

Things have been ramping up in the last few months, and August was no different with the release of Android 12 Beta 4. With this update, the beta has reached platform stability, which means it is time for developers to ensure that their software is flawlessly compatible with the new operating system. Meanwhile, Google has also streamlined its rating and review process to provide a fairer and more useful experience.

Android 12 Beta 4 and Platform Stability – Android 12 Beta 4 has reached platform stability. This means that all app-centric skins and behaviors in Android 12 are final. In other words, there will be no further changes to the official SDK / NDK APIs and it is now safe to test your apps for the big release. What are you waiting for?

This post contains a number of tips to ensure compatibility with the new system, so it is worth reading for all developers.

Share Tiles with Your Smartwatch Users – Tiles allow smartwatch users to quickly view important data and interact with their favorite apps on Wear OS. Tiles can now be shared with smartwatch users using the Jetpack Tiles API.

Better ratings and reviews for users and developers – This will ring music in the ears of many developers: Google is revising its rating and review process on Google Play! Among the changes, developers can now filter reviews to quickly find complaints about specific device types. Other upcoming features will weight ratings by region, so poor performance in one area doesn’t lower the overall score for an app elsewhere.

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