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9 Ways to Crush the End of a Blog Post

9 Ways to Crush the End of a Blog Post 1

When I graduated from college a few years ago, there were a few lessons that I remembered.

As a student of journalism, I was first taught never to write a conclusion for an article.

While this became a habit, I had to unlearn it as a marketing writer because you have to write a conclusion in your blog posts.

Second, I learned in my script class that every sentence you write should either advance your story or reveal information.

As a blog writer, this second lesson is the standard that I adhere to. It is no different with conclusions.

Conclusions are a necessary part of your blog posts as they help your readers take the next steps.

Below, let’s review the key ways to absolutely destroy the end of your blog post.

1. Write a summary.

Unlike a journalistic article, writing a summary is a great way to end a blog post.

This is because your reader most likely forgot many of the points you made during the play.

A summary conclusion should list the key findings from the article. Remember that you should not only repeat your points, but draw actionable conclusions that enlighten your audience.

It is also important to remember that your summary should not contain any fluff. That means all information should be relevant and connect everything together.

2. Ask a question.

When I write a blog post, I try to remember that it shouldn’t feel dictatorial.

In fact, it is exactly the opposite. Blog posts should feel talkative. It should be informative, educational, and empathetic to your readers.

One way to do this is to ask your reader a question. You can ask them for their opinion and ask them to comment below. Note that you should only use this tactic if you have activated comments on your blog posts.

I also think it is important that your questions are specific. Readers answer a specific question rather than: “Tell me your thoughts below!”

3. Add a call-to-action (CTA).

After reading a blog post, most users think: “Okay, now what?”

For this reason, the end of a blog post is a great place to provide actionable solutions in the form of a CTA.

Your CTA can be a content offering, promote your product or service, or ask users to subscribe to your email newsletter.

In any case, every time a reader reaches the end of a blog post, you should encourage them to continue consuming your content.

4. Inspire your audience.

When I read a blog post or scroll through social media, I want to feel inspired.

In fact, sometimes a simple blog post gives me an idea of ​​how to implement a new habit and inspires me to get started.

How can you inspire your audience?

At the end of your blog posts, you should ask your readers to do something. For example, when you write a fitness blog, you can challenge readers to write a new grocery list.

Giving people a goal can inspire them to take action, download your content, or read your blog.

5. Instruct your readers to do something.

You probably noticed the pattern using the tactics I listed above. They all involve informing your readers about their next steps.

Regardless of whether you summarize your article or ask a question, the end of your blog post should show readers what to do next.

Sometimes it can be so easy to ask them to share the post or comment below. You would be surprised at how many people will do something just because they have been asked to do so.

6. Provide links to another blog post.

Have you ever watched a video on YouTube and then noticed a video in the recommendations on the page you want to watch?

I don’t know anything about you, but the recommended videos are why I usually spend hours on YouTube.

When a reader ends your blog post, we want to achieve the same effect.

You can do this by providing a link to another blog post of yours.

In a previous blog from me Product knowledgeI ended the post with a link to one of our ultimate guides.

Here’s what it looked like: “Want to learn more about new sales training for salespeople? Check out our ultimate guide. “

7. Start a discussion.

Don’t repeat, but your blog posts should be engaging and start a conversation.

At the end of your blogs, you can promote this by asking a discussion question.

Sometimes it depends on the topics you want to write about. Not all blog posts warrant a discussion question, but if they do, it’s a great way to end a post.

8. Create a teaser.

Teasing future content is a tactic that I often use on YouTube or podcasts. However, I think it has its place in blogging too.

If you have a writing schedule and know which blog posts are pending, you can end your blogs by promoting future content.

You can tell readers what’s next and what to look out for so you can tempt them to come back. Sometimes teasing future content can even inspire readers to subscribe to your blog.

9. Answer who, what, where, when, why and how.

At the end of your blog post, you want to tie it with a bow. This means that you should answer all of a user’s questions.

Think about who, what, where, when, why and how.

You can end a blog post by summarizing what the topic was, why it affects readers, what to do with this information, and how to implement it in your daily life.

Note that this information should be personalized. It should be geared towards yours Buyer personality and answer why you should care.

Now i know you are probably wondering “Well, how are you going to end this blog post?”

I’m going to cheat because I’m going to use different tactics I’ve listed above – Summary and CTA.

First of all, I would like to remind you that it is important to keep in mind how the end of a blog post affects your reader’s journey on your website.

Ultimately, you want readers to stay on your site or engage with your brand, whether they’re reading another blog post, sharing the post on social media, or downloading a content offering.

Now I want to tell you about a great course from the HubSpot Academy that will help you improve every element of your blogging strategy. You will learn how to develop a blogging strategy and create high quality blog content that your audience will love.

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