72 hours left to save $100 on passes to TC Sessions: SaaS 2021 – ProWellTech

72 hours left to save $100 on passes to TC Sessions: SaaS 2021 – ProWellTech 1

Like sands through the hourglass so are the days of…no, hold on, hold on. It’s not time to watch your favorite soap opera. It’s time to stop procrastinating and buy your pass to TC Sessions: SaaS 2021 before the early bird price expires promptly on October 1 at 11:59 pm (PT). That’s in just three days, people.

Action earns rewards, and if you beat the deadline, guess what? You get to keep $100 in your wallet. Save money and learn ways to build a better startup. Cool.

Pro Tip: Take advantage of the early bird group discount. Buy four or more passes before the deadline expires and pay just $45 each. We also have student passes available for $35 right up to the day of the event.

SaaS savants from around the world will hold forth on the latest tech and investment trends, demo innovative, boundary-breaking SaaS tech and connect with founders, investors, engineers and entrepreneurs. Oh, and don’t forget the tech journalists who will be searching for great stories to tell. Will yours be one of them?

TC Sessions are famous for outstanding programming with industry leaders, movers and shakers, and you can expect the same with our first SaaS Session. Here are just three of the presentations we have teed up. Check the event agenda and start planning your day. We’ll be adding more content in the run-up to game day.

Survival of the Fittest — Investing in Today’s SaaS Market: The venture capital world is faster and more competitive than ever. Things are even crazier for investors hoping to get into the hottest SaaS deal. With non-traditional money pouring into the sector, remote dealmaking now the norm and an increasingly global market for software startups, venture capitalists have been forced to shake up their own operations and expectations. ProWellTech sits down with three leading investors — Casey Aylward (Costanoa Ventures), Kobie Fuller (Upfront Ventures) and Sarah Guo (Greylock) — to discuss how they’re fighting for allocation in hot deals, what they’ve changed in their own processes and what today’s best founders demand.

Automation’s Moment is Now: One thing we learned during the pandemic is the importance of automation, and that’s only likely to become more pronounced as we move forward. We’ll talk with UiPath CEO Daniel Dines, Laela Sturdy, an investor at CapitalG, and Dave Wright from ServiceNow about why this is automation’s moment.

What Happens After Your Startup is Acquired: During this panel, we’ll speak to three founders — Jyoti Bansal (AppDynamics), Jewel Burkes Solomon (Partpic) and Nick Mehta (GainSight) — about the emotional upheaval of being acquired and what happens after the check clears and the sale closes.

We’re less than one month away from TC Sessions: SaaS 2021, but your chance to save $100 on the price of admission disappears in just three days. Stop procrastinating, beat the deadline and purchase your pass before the early bird price expires on October 1 at 11:59 pm (PT).

Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at TC Sessions: SaaS 2021? Contact our sponsorship sales team by filling out this form.

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