28 Tips for Writing Compelling Email Copy

The Essentials: How Email Marketing Has Evolved

Email marketing has experienced significant advancements over the past few years. Despite the rise of intricate features that many brands now incorporate, a simple, well-crafted plain-text email can still outperform — or at least match — the effectiveness of a heavily designed email loaded with features.

No matter how visually appealing your marketing emails might be, without compelling and well-written content, your audience will eventually stop engaging with them, leading to more deleted emails and fewer opens.

This is where the art of email copywriting becomes crucial. Today, I’ll be sharing best practices for crafting compelling copy for both your email subject lines and the body of your messages.

Table of Contents

  • What is Email Copywriting?
  • Components of Effective Email Copy
    • Email Subject Line
    • Preview Text
    • Email Body Copy
    • Call to Action (CTA)
  • Email Copywriting Best Practices
    • How to Write a Marketing Subject Line

What is Email Copywriting?

Email copywriting involves creating content specifically tailored for marketing emails. This could mean drafting the entire email or refining specific elements, such as the subject line, to enhance conversion rates.

The primary goal of email copywriting is to build connections with potential customers, re-engage with current clients, and foster trust. Why is this important? Because when you combine connection with trust, your chances of persuading and converting your audience (i.e., making a sale) significantly increase.

Components of Effective Email Copy

Now that you have a clear understanding of what email copywriting entails, let’s dive into the core elements of a marketing email.

Email Subject Line

The subject line serves as your initial interaction with email recipients. It plays a crucial role in determining whether someone will open your email and directly impacts conversions and subscriber retention. Hence, it’s essential to make it compelling.

A good subject line should be brief, engaging (to capture interest), and closely aligned with the rest of your email. Why is relevance so important?

According to Gartner, one of the top three reasons subscribers choose to leave an email list is because the subject line doesn’t align with the email content.

Pro tip: Keep reading to discover over 10 actionable strategies for crafting top-notch email subject lines.

Preview Text

Most email platforms display a preview text alongside the subject line. This text provides additional context about the content of your email. Therefore, it needs to be just as captivating as your subject line.

Pro tip: While preview text is often auto-generated from the first line of your email body, many email services allow you to customize it. If this option is unavailable, ensure your first line of email copy is crafted with the preview text in mind.

Email Body Copy

If your subscriber has reached the body of your email, it means your subject line was effective — well done! Now, it’s time to deliver on the promises made in your subject line, share key information, and persuade your readers to take action.

Pro tip: To maintain a healthy subscriber list — meaning people aren’t unsubscribing en masse — your body copy should be closely related to your subject line.

Call to Action (CTA)

Once your subscriber has clicked through and read your body copy, it’s time to guide them towards the next step, whether it’s learning more, making a purchase, or downloading something. Like your subject line and body copy, your CTA must be clear, actionable, and compelling.

Pro tip: A study by HubSpot that analyzed over 330,000 CTAs over six months found that personalized CTAs had a conversion rate more than 200% higher than generic ones. If you want to boost your conversion rate, consider personalization.

Email Copywriting Best Practices

I’ll begin with tips for crafting effective subject lines, followed by advice on writing compelling body copy, and then I’ll wrap up with actionable strategies to enhance the overall effectiveness of your email content. Let’s get started!

How to Write a Marketing Subject Line

As mentioned earlier, a significant part of writing effective email copy lies in perfecting the subject line.

Think of the subject line as the gatekeeper to your email.

If your subject line doesn’t pique interest, no one will open your email to read the rest of your well-crafted content.

This interest largely hinges on the effectiveness of your subject line (though the sender’s name also plays a role).

In the next section, I’ve summarized all the key tips you need to create outstanding subject lines.

1. Utilize Actionable Language

When crafting email subject lines, employing actionable language doesn’t always require the use of verbs, though it can be beneficial. The key is to use language that clearly indicates what the recipient can do with the information if they choose to open the email. The primary focus should always be on the value provided to the reader.

Actionable language is effective because it invites the recipient to engage, suggesting that there is something worthwhile within the email, which can ultimately lead to higher open rates.

Pro tip: Try incorporating verbs such as “take,” “download,” “reserve,” “ask,” or “buy” to directly guide the reader on what action to take.

2. Personalize Whenever Possible

Emails that are highly segmented often outperform those that aren’t personalized, particularly in metrics like open rate and click-through rate.

In fact, data suggests that segmented emails generate 30% more opens and 50% more click-throughs compared to unsegmented emails.

Personalization works because it makes the content feel more relevant and connected to the recipient. It’s not just about addressing someone by name; it’s about delivering the right content to the right person at the right time.

For instance, personalized product recommendations based on a customer’s purchase history can make your emails more engaging. As you learn more about your audience, you can fine-tune your email campaigns to better match their preferences and behaviors.

Pro tip: Need ideas? Check out these 157 examples of compelling subject lines from various brands.

3. Prioritize Clarity Over Catchiness

When writing a subject line, clarity should be your primary goal, with catchiness as a secondary consideration. In marketing, it’s crucial that your message is clear first and catchy second. If you can add a touch of humor, creativity, or whimsy without sacrificing clarity, then go for it.

However, never let entertainment value compromise the clarity of your message.

UrbanDaddy, for example, excels at crafting subject lines that are consistently clear and occasionally catchy or humorous. Consider some of the subject lines I’ve received from them:

  • UD | A Hotel in the Middle of the Ocean
  • UD | Nunchucks. Made from Beer Cans. Finally.
  • UD | Getting Everyone Together: Now Less Obnoxious

These subject lines might make you smile or pique your interest with their oddity, but they always clearly convey what you can expect when you open the email.

4. Align Your Subject Line with Your Email Content

Just as it’s essential for your call-to-action copy to align with your landing page offer, your email subject line and the content of your email must be in sync.

Why is this important? When there’s a disconnect between the subject line and the email content, click-through rates tend to drop, and over time, so do your open rates.

A high open rate means little if it doesn’t translate to engagement. Aligning your subject line with your email content helps build trust and sets accurate expectations for your readers.

When your audience knows they can trust your subject lines to deliver on their promises, they are more likely to engage with your emails, leading to better open rates and higher conversions.

5. Incorporate Emojis (If It Suits Your Brand)

The Benefits: Emojis are universal symbols that transcend language barriers, making them a powerful tool for enhancing communication. They can add color, emotion, and personality to your message, helping to convey a tone or sentiment that words alone might not fully capture.

For instance, a restaurant might use a subject line like “New Menu Alert! 🍔🍕🍨,” or a travel agency might promote a vacation deal with “Get Ready for Paradise! 🌴✈️”. Here’s an example from ClickUp:

The Drawbacks: While earlier data showed that subject lines with emojis had higher click-through rates, a recent study by GetResponse indicates little difference in open rates or click-through rates between subject lines with or without emojis.

Pro tip: I’m personally a fan of emojis in subject lines. Ultimately, it depends on your brand and audience. If you’re unsure, try A/B testing to determine if emojis resonate with your email list(s). If you do choose to use them, apply them judiciously where they add value or match the tone of your message.

6. Test Multiple Subject Lines

Instead of sending a single subject line to your entire email list, create multiple versions to see which one performs best. You can experiment with the placement of keywords, the use of questions, or the inclusion of numbers.

A/B testing your subject lines helps you understand which approach resonates most with your audience, potentially leading to higher open rates and better engagement.

Compare the performance metrics to refine your strategy moving forward.

Pro tip: Not sure what’s working or what isn’t in your email campaigns? Conduct an email marketing audit to uncover insights.

7. Leverage Numbers and Statistics

Numbers are easy for readers to process and they provide clear, tangible information. For example, here’s a subject line from The Body Shop:

Numbers and statistics stand out visually, provide specific information, and spark curiosity. A study found that email subject lines featuring numbers have 57% better open rates.

The specificity of numbers often implies value and can make promises more credible, which drives curiosity and encourages recipients to open the email.

8. Avoid All Caps

In digital communication, using all caps can be interpreted as shouting, which isn’t conducive to building a positive relationship with your customers.

For example, “BUY NOW AND SAVE!” is less appealing than “Buy now and save.” It’s always better to convey your message in a way that is respectful and considerate of your readers.

Using all caps can come across as aggressive and spammy, potentially reducing your email open rates. Additionally, many spam filters might flag emails with subject lines in all caps, preventing them from reaching the recipient’s inbox.

They also take up more visual space, like in the example below:

9. Tap into FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

Subject lines like “Only 24 hours left for our summer sale 🕒” or “Last chance to grab your discounted ticket!” create a sense of urgency that prompts action.

FOMO works because it appeals to a basic human instinct — the desire to avoid missing out on a valuable opportunity. Creating a sense of urgency or scarcity encourages your recipients to act quickly, increasing your email open rates and engagement as readers feel compelled to see what they might be missing.

10. Optimize for Mobile

Did you know that 55% of emails are now opened on mobile devices? This makes it critical to ensure your subject lines are optimized for mobile screens.

For instance, keep them under 50 characters so they fully display on a mobile device, such as “Enjoy 20% off your first order 🎉”.

Why does this matter? Optimizing for mobile means meeting your audience where they are, literally in the palm of their hands.

Pro tip: Mobile screens are smaller, so long subject lines might get cut off, reducing the impact of your message. Even without mobile considerations, short, clear, and impactful subject lines are more likely to grab attention, encouraging recipients to tap and read more.










11. Steer Clear of Spam Trigger Words

Imagine crafting a high-quality marketing email only for it to end up in your recipients’ spam folders. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence, with over 46% of emails sent in December 2023 being flagged as spam.

Why does this happen? Spam filters are designed to protect users from potentially harmful or misleading content. If your email subject line appears too salesy or aggressive, it could be relegated to the spam folder.

An unread email is a missed opportunity, so choose your words wisely to ensure your content lands in the inbox, not the spam bin.

Pro tip: Avoid phrases like “100% free,” “make money,” “no purchase necessary,” or “satisfaction guaranteed,” as they can trigger spam filters.

12. Brainstorm with AI Tools

Struggling with writer’s block? Consider using AI tools like Jasper or ChatGPT to generate ideas for subject lines. By providing a few details, these tools can offer a variety of creative options.

For example, if you’re composing a sale announcement email, simply input the details, and you’ll receive several catchy subject lines to choose from.

These AI tools leverage vast datasets to suggest subject lines that are likely to resonate with your audience, saving you time and effort. However, remember that AI is a helpful assistant, not a replacement. Combine AI-generated suggestions with your expertise to create impactful emails.

Pro tip: Give HubSpot’s AI Content Writer a try — it’s free, and no credit card is needed to start.

How to Write a Marketing Email (+ Tips from HubSpotters)

Once you’ve nailed the subject line, your audience is ready to engage with the body of your email. So, how do you write compelling copy that encourages clicks?

Here are the key components to keep in mind.

13. Establish Relevance

Just as your subject line should establish relevance through personalization, so should the content of your email. Use the opening lines of your email to remind recipients of your connection.

Tailor your message to resonate with the recipient’s needs and interests.

Why does relevance matter? Simply put, recipients are more likely to engage with emails that are pertinent to their lives. If your emails are seen as helpful and relevant, your audience is more likely to interact with them and less likely to send them to the junk folder or unsubscribe.

Segment your audience based on their preferences or past behaviors, then craft emails that cater to these specific groups.

Pro tip: “In my experience in email marketing, it’s essential to tell people what they’ll gain from reading further,” says Kaitlin Milliken, a senior program manager at HubSpot. “This could be a discount, an offer, or valuable information they can’t find elsewhere.”

14. Write in the Second Person POV

Writing in the second person point of view involves using pronouns like “you,” “your,” and “yours,” creating a direct line of communication between you and the reader. This approach can make your email copy feel more personal and engaging.

For example, instead of saying, “Customers will love this product,” try “You’ll love this product!”

The second-person perspective shifts the focus from the brand to the individual, making the message more relatable and encouraging action.

15. Focus on Benefits, Not Features

You might know the value of your offer, but your recipients don’t — yet. It’s your job to communicate that value clearly.

The mistake many marketers make is focusing on features rather than benefits. For instance, an email from Banana Republic might highlight the versatility of their shorts, emphasizing how they’re perfect for both lounging at home and stepping out in the city with minimal effort.

Benefit-oriented copy explains what your product or service can do for the recipient, rather than just listing its features.

16. Keep It Brief

One common mistake in email copywriting is trying to tell the whole story in the email itself.

“Readers are likely skimming your email, so your copy should be optimized for that,” says Martina Bretous, a marketing manager at HubSpot. “My biggest tip is to shorten your sentences wherever possible. This makes your email more scannable and digestible.”

Instead, focus on summarizing the key points in a compelling way, encouraging the reader to click through to your website for more details.

Consider how Postmates drafts concise emails that entice readers to click through for a limited-time offer:

Keeping your message succinct is key. Know the action you want your email to drive (e.g., the recipient ordering free lattes on-demand or remembering to buy concert tickets), and you’ll find it easier to craft brief, impactful copy.

17. Be Lovable

Emails are designed to inform, but that doesn’t mean they can’t also delight. Email is a great platform for showcasing your brand’s personality and building a meaningful connection with your audience.

After all, creating a lovable experience starts and ends with how you communicate with your readers.

Check out this example from Death to Stock Photos:

Pro tip: People prefer to buy from brands they like and trust. Being lovable helps forge a connection that goes beyond mere transactions. Stick to your brand voice — if humor isn’t your forte, you can still be lovable by being helpful, kind, or empathetic.

18. Use Actionable Language in Your Call to Action

Yes, emails should have calls to action (CTAs). A strong CTA should be easy to identify and impossible to miss.

Remember, people scan their emails. If there’s one thing you want your reader to notice, it’s your CTA. This clear, concise command tells them exactly what to do next.

Think along the lines of “Shop Now 🛍️” or “Claim Your Spot! 🎟️”. Make it irresistible so they can’t help but click.

A well-crafted CTA is like the grand finale of your email — it’s what turns readers into customers. It works because it provides clear direction and motivation for the reader.

Plus, if your email has done its job, readers will be primed to take the next step.

19. Use a Conversational Tone

A conversational tone can be one of your strongest tools.

Instead of a stiff “Our company is pleased to announce an unprecedented sale,” why not try, “Guess what? We’re having a huge sale — you won’t want to miss this!” It’s like chatting with a friend.

“I used to write an email newsletter for executives, and we always started with a note from the editor,” says Milliken. “This helped us maintain a conversational tone and speak directly to our audience.”

The beauty of a conversational tone is that it makes your emails feel more personal and less like generic marketing material. Readers tend to respond better to messages that feel human and relatable.

When your emails come across as friendly rather than robotic, you’ll see higher engagement and a stronger connection with your audience. Remember, people prefer to do business with people, not faceless corporations.

20. Utilize AI Tools for Content Ideas

AI tools like ChatGPT and Jasper can be valuable resources for generating content ideas. For instance, you could ask ChatGPT to suggest engaging ways to introduce a new product feature.

These tools can provide a plethora of ideas, but it’s up to you to select the best ones that align with your brand and audience.

You know what resonates with your readers, their interests, and the language they respond to (both literally and figuratively).

HubSpot’s Campaign Assistant can help you generate email copy in just a few clicks, freeing you up to focus on tasks that require a human touch.

How to Make Email Copy More Effective

Now that you’ve mastered crafting compelling email subject lines and copy, here are eight additional tips to enhance the overall effectiveness of your emails.

21. Include Social Proof

Incorporate elements like customer testimonials, ratings, reviews, or case studies that demonstrate the success of your product or service. For example, “98% of our users reported increased productivity within just one week!”

People tend to trust the experiences of others. Social proof is effective because it shows your recipients that others have benefited from your product or service. This helps build trust and credibility, making it more likely for the reader to take the desired action.

Email template example

Subject line: See What Everyone’s Talking About

Body copy: Hi [Prospect’s First Name],

The happiness and satisfaction of our valued customers are at the heart of [Your Brand]’s commitment to delivering exceptional products and services.

We take pride in the relationships we’ve built with our customers, and we wanted to share some of the positive feedback we’ve received from those who have experienced the [Your Brand] difference.

Here are some testimonials from our satisfied customers:

  • [Customer Name 1]: “[Testimonial or quote about their positive experience with your product/service.]”
  • [Customer Name 2]: “[Testimonial highlighting specific benefits they’ve gained from your brand.]”
  • [Customer Name 3]: “[Testimonial expressing appreciation for your outstanding customer service.]”
  • [Customer Name 4]: “[Testimonial focusing on how your brand solved a problem or made a positive impact on their life or business.]”

Want to share your experience with [Your Brand]? We’d love to hear from you! You can leave a review by replying to this email or visiting our website [insert review submission link].

Thank you for choosing [Your Brand]. If you have any questions or need further assistance, we’re always here to help.

22. Incorporate Storytelling

Instead of simply listing your product’s features, tell a story about how it solved a problem. Storytelling isn’t just for bedtime — it can make your marketing emails much more engaging!

For example, “Meet Sarah. She struggled with managing her finances until she discovered our app…”

Storytelling is powerful because it connects with readers on an emotional level, making your message more memorable. It also helps your audience visualize how your product could solve their problems, increasing the likelihood of them making a purchase.

23. Use Bullet Points or Numbered Lists

Break down complex information into easy-to-digest chunks using bullet points or numbered lists. For example, “Our software helps you: 1) Organize your tasks, 2) Manage your time, 3) Boost your productivity.”

This format is effective because it’s reader-friendly. It allows your audience to quickly scan the key points and grasp your message without wading through dense paragraphs, making your content more accessible and ensuring readers don’t lose interest.

24. Add Visual Elements

A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Including well-chosen images, infographics, or even GIFs can add an extra dimension to your marketing emails. For example, showcase your new product with a vibrant photo or an infographic illustrating its benefits.

Visual elements enhance your message by providing a visual representation of your content. They catch the eye, break up the text, and can significantly improve engagement, as our brains process images much faster than text. A well-placed image can also enhance comprehension and retention.

25. Maintain Consistency in Tone and Style

To create a cohesive brand experience, ensure that your tone and style are consistent across all your emails. If your brand is known for being fun and casual, a formal, corporate-sounding email would feel out of place.

For instance, if your brand typically uses friendly, laid-back language, maintain that tone in your emails.

Consistency in tone and style reinforces your brand identity and builds trust with your audience. When readers know what to expect, they’re more likely to stay engaged and look forward to your messages. Consider developing a style guide for your email communications, and revisit it periodically as your brand evolves.

26. Always Proofread

Before hitting “send,” always take the time to proofread your email. Typos, grammatical errors, or broken links can undermine your credibility and distract from your message. For example, “We’re excited to announce our new product!” (not “We’re excited to announce our new product!”).

Proofreading is essential because it ensures your message is clear and professional. Errors can cause confusion or even alter the meaning of your content, and they can make your brand appear careless, which isn’t the image you want to project.

Use tools like Grammarly to catch any lingering mistakes, and if possible, have a colleague review your email before sending it out.

27. Segment Your Audience for Tailored Content

A one-size-fits-all approach may work for scarves, but not for marketing emails. Segment your audience based on factors like location, purchase history, or interests, and tailor your content to each group.

For example, offer a product that aligns with a customer’s past purchases or share content relevant to their industry.

Segmenting your audience allows for greater personalization, which can boost engagement and conversion rates. By making your emails more relevant to each recipient, they’ll feel more valued and understood.

28. Provide Value in Every Email

Every email you send should offer something of value to your recipient. This could be an exclusive discount, insightful industry news, or even a funny joke to brighten their day. For example, “Want to get the most out of our app? Try this top tip!”

Providing consistent value helps build a positive relationship with your audience, making them look forward to your emails. It also increases their likelihood of engaging with your calls to action.

To ensure you’re delivering what your audience values, conduct surveys or research to better understand their interests. Remember, it’s not just about selling — it’s about serving.

Craft a Marketing Email That Drives Action

Establishing relevance, creating highly personalized copy, sharing social proof, and more — there’s a lot to consider when writing a marketing email that drives action.

While understanding these core principles is crucial (which, after reading this, you do — great job!), you can streamline your email marketing efforts by using a handy template.

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