With sales momentum, Bookshop.org looks to future in its fight with Amazon – ProWellTech

With sales momentum, Bookshop.org looks to future in its fight with Amazon – ProWellTech

If Gutenberg were alive today, he’d be a very busy angel investor. With book sales booming during the COVID-19 lockdowns last year, the humble written word has suddenly drawn the limelight from VCs and founders. We’ve seen a whole cavalcade of new products and fundings, including algorithmic recommendation engine BingeBooks, book club startups like Literati…

What minority founders must consider before entering the venture-backed startup ecosystem – ProWellTech

What minority founders must consider before entering the venture-backed startup ecosystem – ProWellTech

Sesie Bonsi is the founder and CEO of Bleu, a financial technology platform focused on enabling touchless payment experiences. Funding for Black entrepreneurs in the U.S. hit nearly $1.8 billion in the first half of 2021 — a fourfold increase from the previous year. But most venture-backed startups are “still overwhelmingly white, male, Ivy-League-educated and…

Hadlee Simons

7 more smartphone marketing tricks we hate

Smartphone manufacturers are no stranger to clever marketing tricks because they want to draw attention to their products and thus generate more sales. Some of the more well-known tactics we covered earlier include photo forgery, benchmark scams, and misleading renderings. However, these aren’t the only examples of sketchy marketing we’ve seen before, and here are…