How DTC companies decide which strategy to follow – ProWellTech

How DTC companies decide which strategy to follow – ProWellTech

Companies typically have to settle on strategies that align with their customers, employees, investors, and regulators. The more they know about how the other side will decide, the clearer their own strategies become. If regulators always prefer choice for consumers, then it is easy for a platform to allow multiple payment choices: Shopify allows multiple…

iPhone 13 colors

Weekly Authority: Edition #160

Willkommen wieder bei Die wöchentliche Autorität, das Android-Autorität Newsletter mit den wichtigsten Android- und Tech-News der Woche. Die 160. Ausgabe erreicht Ihren Posteingang – keine Wiederholung der letzten Woche, versprochen. Ich habe die meiste Zeit der Woche damit verbracht, BioShock Remastered auf meinem neuen Acer Predator zu spielen, der nach einem weiteren versuchten und gescheiterten…

Rolls-Royce’s all-electric aircraft completes 15-minute maiden voyage – ProWellTech

Rolls-Royce’s all-electric aircraft completes 15-minute maiden voyage – ProWellTech

Rolls-Royce, best known in aviation for its jet engines, has taken an all-electric airplane on its maiden voyage. The “Spirit of Innovation” completed a 15 minute flight, marking “the beginning of an intensive flight-testing phase in which we will be collecting valuable performance data on the aircraft’s electrical power and propulsion system,” the company announced….

Grab your free Disrupt Expo Pass to access these breakout sessions at Disrupt next week – ProWellTech

Grab your free Disrupt Expo Pass to access these breakout sessions at Disrupt next week – ProWellTech

As we get closer to ProWellTech Disrupt 2021, the list of our special breakout sessions just gets bigger and better. The wide range of tech startups is on full display in these sessions hosted by our partners. What’s more, these smaller, interactive gatherings pack a lot of advice, insight and value — with plenty of…

Google abused dominant position of Android in India, antitrust probe finds – ProWellTech

Google abused dominant position of Android in India, antitrust probe finds – ProWellTech

Google has abused the dominant position of Android in India to illegally hurt competitors in the world’s second largest internet market, a two-year antitrust probe by the nation’s watchdog has found. The Android-maker reduced device manufacturing firms’ ability and incentive to develop — and sell — devices running alternative versions of Android (more popularly known…

Elon Musk praises Chinese automakers amidst regulatory scrutiny – ProWellTech

Elon Musk praises Chinese automakers amidst regulatory scrutiny – ProWellTech

An unusually scripted Elon Musk issued conciliatory and complimentary comments to Chinese automakers during a pre-recorded appearance at China’s World New Energy Vehicle Congress, striking a pose that is worlds away from his commentary style in the United States. “I have a great deal of respect for the many Chinese automakers for driving these [EV…

Marketers should plan for more DIY metrics as iOS 15 nears – ProWellTech

Marketers should plan for more DIY metrics as iOS 15 nears – ProWellTech

Apple is planning to remove developer access to important user data as part of its iOS 15 release on Monday, leaving email marketers in a dilemma about how they will figure out metrics. To find out how the industry is approaching this problem, we spoke with Vivek Sharma, CEO of Movable Ink, a software company…